Been There. Done That.

As a former commercial masonry contractor, we have a construction pedigree. We’ve been on the scaffolding you buy. We’ve done the work you do. We can help you use scaffolding to maximize your performance and safety on the project. We know how important your labor costs are and how a slight increase in labor efficiency can lead to a large increase in your profit. This experience is what sets us apart from other scaffolding companies.

After spending 20 years in the commercial masonry business, we survived the great recession by ending construction operations and renting out our Non-Stop scaffolding inventory at lower prices than our competitors. We soon branched out into frame scaffolding, mast climbers, equipment and accessories and now sell and rent a wide variety of products nationwide and in Canada.

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Our Goal is Your Success.

We’re not here to just sell you scaffolding. We’re here to help you. We put endless effort into finding high-quality products at the best possible price and providing these products to you. All of our products have been tested and proven to meet or exceed OSHA’s requirements. We also provide you with our expertise on how to use these products in the field and make sure you get exactly the right product in exactly the right quantities you need to do the job. We want you to spend less, get more done, and work safely.

Always Available.

We’re not here to just sell you scaffolding. We’re here to help you. We put endless effort into finding high-quality products at the best possible price and providing these products to you. All of our products have been tested and proven to meet or exceed OSHA’s requirements. We also provide you with our expertise on how to use these products in the field and make sure you get exactly the right product in exactly the right quantities you need to do the job. We want you to spend less, get more done, and work safely.

Great Prices.

Our margins have been cut as low as possible so we can provide you with the best price possible. If the competition has a lower price, you better check the quality and then let us know and we’ll see if we can match. Volume discounts are available for large purchases.